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Yoga Anatomy, Physiology and Yin Yoga
with Paul Grilley
November 8-9, 2008

Taoist Yoga emphasizes the critical difference between the Yin and Yang tissues of the body.

Muscle tissue is Yang, connective tissue is Yin. These two types of tissue do not respond to training in the same way, and a student’s practice becomes more effective when the difference is understood. Muscle tissue is trained by contraction and movement. Connective tissue is trained by long, static holds.

Students will learn how to analyze a Yoga posture to determine which joints are involved and which are limiting the range of motion. In particular we will focus on the five movements of the hip and the six movements of the spine that need to be addressed in any Yoga practice. We will develop a Yin practice, which emphasizes holding Yin (floor) postures up to five minutes. This type of practice is new to most students of Yoga, and it is a wonderful complement to the more muscular styles of asana practice.

Yoga Anatomy, Physiology and Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley
Saturday, November 8 2:00 - 7:00 pm $125
Sunday, November 9 2:00 - 7:00pm $125
The cost of the workshop for the entire weekend $215
It will be held at the Chicago Yoga Center. Class size is limited, please sign up early.

Although our bodies are complex, a few basic anatomical ideas, once understood, can vastly improve the efficiency and results of our Yoga practice. By learning to recognize the anatomy of movement and its relation to the flow of energy in our bodies we can recover the original intention of physical Yoga practice which is the harmonizing of one’s own prana and the effortless extension of one’s meditation practice.

Paul Grilley was featured in the August 2001 issue of Yoga Journal. He has been teaching Yoga since 1980 and has recently written a book entitled “Yin Yoga”. Paul practices Yoga postures in the style of Paulie Zink, and his presentation of Yoga philosophy is patterned after his teacher, Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama—a Yogi and scientist from Tokyo, Japan. This philosophy integrates the Toaist Meridian and Acupuncture theories of China with the Yogic and Tantric theories of India. Paul lives in Ashland, Oregon with his wife Suzee.

Students from out of town will be able to stay at the
Days Inn, Lincoln Park North


(25 minutes walking from the Chicago Yoga Center).

Please make your room reservation

before October 1, 2008, to guarantee the room discount.

Phone 888.576.3297 or 773.525.7010.

Mention Chicago Yoga Center when you call and the group code CYC9,

available rooms are held until October 1, 2008.

The workshop will be suitable for students of all levels!

Class size is limited, please sign up early.

The cost of the workshop is $215.

All classes will be held at the Chicago Yoga Center

To reserve space, fill out and print the WORKSHOP FORM specifying
Yoga Anatomy, Physiology and Yin Yoga with Paul Grilley,
and send it along with a check payable to the
CHICAGO IL 60657-4274

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